The All India Congress Committee (AICC) on Thursday released the second list of 41 candidates for the Assembly polls 2023 while announcing its support for Sarvodaya Karnataka Party in one seat. Several turncoats who recently joined Congress have found space in the second list.
Siddaramaiah Kolar missing Congress second list Karnataka; fresh faces 3 turncoats get ticket; Congress Kolar candidate feature third list declared in next few days; Congress announced candidates 166 seats Karnataka assembly elections; names remaining 58 seats third list; Congress avoided addressing former CM Siddaramaiah wish Karnataka assembly elections contentious Kolar seat second list released April 6; former chief minister Siddaramaiah wish stand from Kolar unaddressed second list 42 candidates Congress April 6 did not have high stakes assembly seat; Kolar candidate feature third list next few days; Siddaramaiah Congress Karnataka Karnataka elections 2023 elections; latest news on; Rohini Swamy