Mumbai: Gaurav Banerjee has successfully straddled the realms of television and digital to deliver the most popular content in India. He runs Star India’s content studio that has delivered nine out of the top 15 web series and six out of the top 10 Hindi TV shows in the country. On the TV side, he’s responsible for popular shows such as Diya Aur Baati Hum, Sasural Genda Phool
OTT platform Ullu, launched in 2018, will not move away from creating edgy adult content, said founder Vibhu Agarwal at an event held recently. Instead, Agarwal has launched a Hindi general entertainment channel (GEC) ‘Atrangii’ accompanied by a catch-up OTT platform to cater to the family audience.
Mumbai: The OTT sector in India has witnessed a massive surge in viewership during the pandemic era with a host of new players and paid subscribers tuning into the online streaming space. With manifold growth across metrics, the sector continues its bull run even post pandemic, even as the next growth wave is expected to come from tier II, III, and IV cities and regional
Over the top, commonly known as OTT, has come a long way in the last five years. According to a new report by independent transaction advisory firm RBSA Advisors, India's streaming market is predicted to be worth $15 billion by 2030 and out of these the video market will grow to $12.5 billion size and the audio will be $2.5 billion.
How has the exponential growth in consumption of OTT content impacted the tech - especially hardware – infrastructure needs of those running streaming platforms or serving video entertainment to consumers?