Gauri and Hiten are all set to feature together in the SAB TV show titled Pashmeena. The show is currently being shot in Mumbai but will soon shift their location to Kashmir. |
Pashminna – Dhaage Mohabbat Ke is a new show that has been launched on Sony Sab and it stars Nishant Malkani and Isha Sharma in lead roles. As per sources, Rinku Worah will be entering the show soon. |
Gauri and Hiten are all set to feature together in the SAB TV show titled Pashmeena. The show is currently being shot in Mumbai but will soon shift their location to Kashmir. |
Gauri and Hiten are all set to feature together in the SAB Tv show titled Pashmeena. The show is currently being shot in Mumbai but will soon shift their location to Kashmir. |