The CBI on Wednesday got two more days of custodial remand of Videocon chairman Venugopal Dhoot, former MD and CEO of ICICI bank Chanda Kochhar and her husband Deepak Kochhar in connection with the ICICI bank loan fraud case.All the three were .
ICICI Videocon loan case: Chanda Kochhar granted bail by court
Published on
Fri, Feb 12 2021 14:12 IST |
Chanda Kochhar. (File Photo: IANS). Image Source: IANS News
Mumbai, Feb 12 : A court here on Friday granted bail to former ICICI Bank CEO and MD Chanda Kochhar with a rider that she cannot leave the country with its permission.
Kochhar on Friday appeared before the Special PMLA court in connection with the ICICI-Videocon loan case here and applied for a bail through her lawyer Vijay Agarwal.
The court granted her bail on a bond of Rs 5 lakh.
Agarwal told IANS, There is no material with the ED against her. Technically speaking she cannot be accused in that case.