Linked that same group to those who perpetrated the attack in charlottesville. I dont know i cant tell you im sure Senator Mccain must know what hes talking about. But when you say the altright, definal right to me. You define it. Define it for me, come on. Define it. Senator mccain defined them as the same group what about the altleft that came charging at the, as you say the altright, do they have any semblance of guilt . Let me ask you this, what about the fact that they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs, do they have any problem . I think they do. As far as im concerned, that was a horrible, horrible day wait a minute, im not finished. Im not finished, fake news. That was a horrible day. [ Inaudible Question ] i will tell you something, i watched this much more closely
nationalist rally in charlottesville, the facts were plain before, during and after the bloodshed. The fact that the president had ht his disposal saturday, a fact he had friday night when they
that s what they were there to do. why are you acting it s just a few random, bad apples. that s not what i m saying. yes, you are. you re saying because there was somebody there saying black lives matter these people were there organized to do a pro white demonstration with david duke and richard spencer. i mean, what where do you not condemn this? how do you say i m not condemning it? i department hear you condemn it. to km out and find a talking point spin no, hold on, this is what i believe. you got your shot. the part about this that bothers me about the conservatives that are trying to spin this and come out and even friends of mine who are trying to cast aside the fact that the president of the united states went on a victim blaming rant today where he