The content has been distributed by many OTT platforms for making money. As per the charge-sheet filed by cyber police, Kundra, models and actresses Sherlyn Chopra and Poonam Pandey, a film producer named Meeta Jhunjhunwala and a cameraman named Raju Dubey filmed obscene/porn videos in two five-star hotels. |
Businessman Raj Kundra - husband of Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty - and others have been charged with making pornographic content in a couple of deluxe hotels which was distributed by OTT platforms for monetary gains, the Maharashtra Cyber .
Raj Kundra, along with models Sherlyn Chopra and Poonam Pandey, a film producer Meeta Jhunjhunwala and a cameraman Raju Dubey, allegedly shot the obscene or porn videos in two suburban five-star hotels, as per the Cyber Police`s charge-sheet filed before a court last week.
The Cyber Police, which had filed a case in 2019, have claimed that Kundra, Director of Armsprime Media Ltd. was engaged in producing and distributing obscene videos on certain websites.