Out started around 11 20. That is help a man with the gun approached the Police Cruiser and shot sergeant sylvia young. Officials credit the bulletproof vest she was wearing with saving her life. Officers say gunman ran in the bar the not floor from this scene, and shot a guard in the leg. The as officers approached gunman used a woman as a human shield and shot her in the leg. The at fortyninth and sansom a short distance away Police Say Gunman fired several shots in the car killing a woman and wounding a man inside, and there was more gunfire in an alley near fortyeighth and sansom, that is where university of pennsylvania officer eddie miller was wounded and police say it is here when the gun man was kill. Philadelphia Police Commissioner richard ross says investigators found an envelope. That letter that he has, it is a bunch of rambling which indicates his hatred for Police Officers and probation officers. He does mention a particular probation officer. Were obviously trying to tr