In this episode of Gulf News’ Mind Your Migraine vodcast, hosted by Dr Deeb Kayed, Consultant Neurologist and Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, MBRU School of Medicine, and his patient Dina Naser discuss how migraine can be managed and how prevention strategies can help patients lead a relatively normal life.
in shin jen just along the boarder with hong kong, the chinese state media just today releasing a new video of their armed military police conducting large scale training exercises. if you look at it, it is quite brutal some of the force china could unleash if they decided to deploy mainland military assets in hong kong. it s that kind of alleged brutality what the protesters call mainland style oh depression that brought so many people out here. they feel the police have used similar tactics and fear china may be preparing for its own vervention. we see some of that video right now as you were explaining it. showing exactly what could happen if you know, they were to be brought into this equation. will ripley is live for us by phone. will, thank you. we ll stay in touch with you as we continue to monitor what s
tractor-trailer was flat, that was going to be a 5 or $600 bill. i thought i don t even know if this is what god wants me to do. i was broke. and then, as if by divine intervention, his luck changes. it was just the coolest little skull ever. that is next. ervention. it was the coolest school ever. our strange i but first, our strange inheritance quiz question, which is not a real dinosaur? saltasaurus, bambiraptor, or tigorraptor? the answer when we return. pain. better? yeah.thanks for the tip!