RepescaPlas wants to achieve products frommarine litte
After closing its third year with the collection of 4.2 tonnes of marine litter and excellent results in terms of recovery of this litter through chemical recycling, the RepescaPlas project has entered its fourth phase, in which it is expected to strengthen the industrial-scale management and treatment of marine litter.
The RepescaPlas project has ended its third year with a total of 4,218 kg of marine litter recovered from the ports of Marín in Galicia, La Restinga in El Hierro and Gandia in Valencia by fishermen’s guilds and associations.
As in previous years, the items recovered were classified by marine litter type using the MARNOBA platform at the ports themselves. Samples of the most abundant type, i.e. plastics, were sent to AIMPLAS to be categorized by the nature of the materials and to gain more knowledge about the plastics found, and to the Universidade de Vigo for toxicological analysis. The routes ta