India's state-run Armoured Vehicle Nigam Limited (AVNL) has unveiled the BMP-2M infantry combat vehicle (ICV) at Defexpo 2022, being held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, from 18 to 22 October. AVNL unveiled the BMP-2M infantry combat vehicle at Def.
Problems with the powerplant of the Hawk advanced jet trainer aircraft first reported by have now spread to the US Navy (USN) and US Marine Corps (USMC). Janes NAVAIR has grounded the US Navy and US Marine Corps fleet of T-45 Goshawk jet tra.
India's state-run Armoured Vehicle Nigam Limited (AVNL) has unveiled the Arjun Mk-1A main battle tank (MBT) at Defexpo 2022, held in Gandhinagar from 18 to 22 October. India's new Arjun Mk 1A main battle tank was unveiled at Defexpo 2022. Th.