drive, but one of the other developers further down in this piece is the rules on self isolation. if you are in contact with this new variant.- isolation. if you are in contact with this new variant. yeah, so as o- osed with this new variant. yeah, so as opposed before. with this new variant. yeah, so as opposed before, you with this new variant. yeah, so as opposed before, you did - with this new variant. yeah, so as opposed before, you did not - with this new variant. yeah, so as opposed before, you did not do i with this new variant. yeah, so as| opposed before, you did not do so icily if you are in contact with a case, if you are in contact with someone who has got the new variant, you will be needing to isolate for ten days, and these could be in place for until march, as the telegraph reports, although this will be reviewed after three weeks. the rationale for this, essentially, is we are not quite sure how this new variant works. there is a chance it is much more transmissib