VW independent/submitted information
The Van Wert Heartland Patriots will hold their March meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 9, at Wesley United Methodist Church, 551 Center St. in Van Wert.
The featured speaker for the evening will be Van Wert Area Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Stacy Adam, who will provide an overview of the organization, which works with existing businesses to help them meet their needs through workforce development, financing tools, and grant programs.
The VWAEDC also includes the Revolving Loan Fund, Van Wert Land Revitalization Corporation (land bank), PACE financing, the Business Advisory Council, Community Development Block Grants, and the CHIP program.
Patriots to meet on Feb. 9
Information submitted Friday, February 5, 2021 12:00 AM VAN WERT The Van Wert Heartland Patriots will hold their next
meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 9 at Wesley UM Church on 551 Center St. in Van
Featured speaker for the evening will be Deb Sealscott,
president of the Board of the Van Wert Humane Society. Sealscott will
talk about the new facility planned and answer any questions about the
organization. Commissioner Thad Lichtensteiger will provide an update on
issues his office is facing in the coming year. The Patriots are still
offering Constitution classes for anyone interested. Contact Judy Bowers
at 419-203-4408.