Today the United States, because of the growing global criticism of White House policies, is desperately seeking to maintain its leadership through destructive actions against not only its adversaries, but also allies in all directions.
The West, in its intention to hurt Russia with sanctions, has shot itself in the foot, many media outlets have been writing for a while now. The result is high inflation, energy and food shortages, recession, and many political and social problems that Europeans don’t know how to deal with.
After the failure of numerous Washington emissaries’ attempts to change Saudi Arabia’s perception of the world and force it to take a place in the ranks of “US supporters”, the current US administration has decided to use its latest weapon in this effort by “throwing President Biden to the wolves”.
Johann Hari: We must stop the vulture funds that feed on the world s poorThe energy that drove Jubilee 2000 needs to be summoned againFriday, 18 September 2009