As we cAn see here And Tel Aviv in An effort to put pressure on the isrAeli government to bring the remAining hostAges home. The funerAls for some of the hostAges hAve been held. These pictures Are from rAAnAnA, just north of Tel Aviv, where A service hAs been held for Almog sArusi. The isrAeli Prime Minister, BenjAmin NetAnyAhu, blAmed hAmAs leAders for the killings, sAying they showed hAmAs did not wAnt A deAl. The Opposition LeAder YAir LApid Accused Mr NetAnyAhu of deciding not to sAve the hostAges. Jon donnison reports from jerusAlem on whAt we know About the isrAeli hostAges. Six more deAd isrAeli hostAges In GAzA. CArmel gAt, who wAs A0. AlexAnder lobAnov, 32. Almog sArusi, Aged 27. Eden yerushAlmi, 24. Ori dAnino, who wAs 25. And the youngest, hersh Goldberg Polin, just 23, who wAs Also An AmericAn citizen. With broken heArts, the Goldberg Polin fAmily is devAstAted to Announce the deAth of their son And brother, hersh. They thAnk you All for your Love And Support And Ask for p
India News: Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan has said that Covid vaccination for those over 18 years of age may be delayed as the state is yet to get the va