Les gendarmes de l’Indre ont intercepté mardi sur la route des vacances deux vacanciers – accompagnés d’un faux iguane… – qui roulaient à bord d’une Citroën Xantia transformée en cabriolet, toit découpé, logo Audi à l’avant, insigne BMW à l’arrière.
La scène surréaliste et pourtant réelle de vacanciers en caleçon et maillot de bain réunis pour arrêter deux trafiquants de drogue a déjà bien tourné sur les réseaux sociaux.C’est sur une plage d’Espagne que les dealers se sont fait prendre.
Ceux qui ont choisi la Costa Blanca pour passer leurs vacances ne feront peut-être plus trempette dans la mer… Jeudi, un requin bleu de plus de 2 mètres s’est fortement approché de la plage, suscitant la panique auprès des vacanciers qui sont sortis de l’eau et ont regardé l’animal, apeurés.
air and for rainy and slick road conditions if there s inclement weather and rain if they re traveling by car. the rain retentionly washing out sligs celebrations and fireworks perhaps up to boston where officials say they re not sure yet if the big show will go on. i think we re going to defer any conversation or decisions about the weather at least till tomorrow. it will likely clear out by the weekend. even when it does, the forecasters say you might not be i ve to go into the beach water. horrible news for vacanciers on the southeast coast. thank you so much. right now it s not clear where it will go but the storm could have an impact on shorelines from central florida up to long island and cape cod more than 1500 miles of coast on a day that could make or break the economies of these areas. of cours chad, where is the storm likely to go and how strong do you
deadlocked mibs of congress will keep drawing paychecks while hundreds of thousands of federal employees will go without their paychecks all because republicans and democrats failed to agree on a bill to fund the federal government. millions of people who depend on food assistance are being directly impacted. we re talking seniors and those on the program for women, infants and children known as wic. plus, those of you applying for federal loans to buy a new home have to wait. national parks and museums are shutting down, affecting vacanciers and those whose livelihoods depend on tourism. but the shutdown will not affect some important critical services, social security, medicare and unemployment benefits will keep being paid. air traffic control and military salaries are also being funded. you ll still get your mail. we re seeing the shutdown blame game intensify right now here in washington. the impasse is centered on funding for obama care. neither side appears ready to