The Kerala High Court has asked the State Police as well as the Enforcement Officers in the Motor Vehicles Department to initiate appropriate action against some vloggers who it noted were promoting.
The Kerala High Court recently set aside a District Court order restraining M/S Mariyas Soaps and Chemicals from using their registered trademark ‘Chandra’ for being prima facie similar to Wipro s.
The Kerala High Court on Tuesday disposed of the suo moto case initiated in the matter relating to the alleged trespass by some persons into the sacred Kalthara of Ponnambalamedu, a protected forest.
The Kerala High Court on Wednesday directed the Deputy Director, Periyar West Division to prevent unauthorized entry of anyone near Ponnambalamedu, a protected forest area near the Sabarimala Temple..
The Kerala High Court on Monday restrained the Executive Officer of the Sri Thirunelli Mahavishnu Temple, from proceeding with any renovation works in the Temple for a period of 10 days. The incident.