take three weeks to arrive now take six to ten weeks. you only can control so much. what we can do is look at all the available material on hand, how can we turn it into a finished good as quickly as possible. reporter: the pandemic is one factor in the supply chain, but raw materials like this used to make plastic parts for toys, well, these come from texas and that s a state that s been hit hard by natural disasters like flooding and ice storms, shutting down factories there. toys made overseas are facing delays and increased costs getting to the u.s the supply chain scrooge affecting stores like kip s toy land in california if you can hear me, we love your product. reporter: and lily says several companies have even canceled her store s orders. when we are like, hey, where are the toys they re like, oh, it will be there when it gets there. reporter: it s all adding up to higher prices and early bargain hunting. a recent survey shows