Rodger Kotanko loved firearms: fixing them, building them, shooting them. When one of his pistols ended up in the hands of a murderer, he paid for it with his life
Francis was shot Saturday night on Antrim Cr., near Kennedy Rd. and Hwy. 401.
“I’m going out” were his last words to his mother, who thought he had a date because of all the cologne.
When she heard a commotion outside her Toronto Community Housing building, she rushed down to see what was happening.
“His best friend said ‘Auntie, it’s Caden’,” she recalls.
“And that’s when I lost it.”
Caden just turned 16 on May 10.
She says he liked to go to the mall, play video games, and hang out in his room. Neighbour Natalie MacIntosh (left) and mother Ursular Francis look over a makeshift memorial for Caden Francis, 16, who was killed by gunfire on the weekend. SCOTT LAURIE/TORONTO SUN