Jerusalem. So what do we know about where thesE Bodies were found . The reaction from officials. And is there any definition yet any clarity around the description of therE Being found being killed a short whilE Before they thE Bodies were discovered we know that they were found in a Tunnel In Rafah in the south of gaza during ongoing Combat Operations by the idf. But on that specificity of the amount of time that they were killed before the troops got there. Thats not clear. We dont know how they died and we dont knoW What led the troops to that tunnel during that combat operation. So theres a lot of unanswered things here. And in that vacuum a lot of pain, a lot of suffering, a lot of angry accusations that the vast majority as you were saying of the families of the hostages, are saying that the Prime Minister should take responsibility and own the fact that it is his own personal style of negotiating and terms of negotiating that have led to the deaths of these hostages. The Prime M
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