TV actor Ankit Gupta is currently winning hearts as Jahaan in Colors TV’s Junooniyatt, co-starring Gautam Singh Vig and Neha Rana. In a recent interview, he opened up about his interest in reality show after Bigg Boss 16 and hinted at rejected a big reality show due to his ongoing show Junooniyatt.
Junooniyatt Update: Ravie Dubey and Sargun Mehta’s Colors show, featuring Ankit Gupta, Neha Rana, and Gautam Singh Vig in the lead roles, premiered on Colors TV in February last week. The musical drama has now achieved a huge feat. Here’s everything you need to know.
Junooniyatt is a romantic musical drama and at present there’s no other show on TV in the genre. The story and concept of the show, produced by Sargun Mehta and Ravie Dubey’s Dreamiyata Production, are also unique. Actor Vishwas Saraf, who plays the role of Karan in it, praises the team for making such an experimental attempt.