West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday said West Bengal is a state where people are not divided on the basis of their religious identity.
if would be thrown back on their faces if suank would be thrown back on their faces if suank were to become leader. there if suank were to become leader. there so if suank were to become leader. there so much blood on the water that i there so much blood on the water that i think there so much blood on the water that i think it be so difficult for any conservative leader to bring the party any conservative leader to bring the party together. the one thing that will unite party together. the one thing that will unite them, however, is the prospect will unite them, however, is the prospect of will unite them, however, is the prospect of a general election, and at the prospect of a general election, and at the moment they re looking at a conservative wipe out if opinion polls conservative wipe out if opinion polls are conservative wipe out if opinion polls are to be believed, so what they need polls are to be believed, so what they need to do now, i think