The latest round of auto talks has shown once again that workers encounter in Unifor an organization which operates as a partner of the corporations and coordinates with the government to suppress the class struggle.
There is growing opposition among rank-and-file workers study the contract emerge. The WSWS will continue to post updates on details and responses from autoworkers.
Facing the loss of another $200 million this week to a lengthy strike, General Motors CEO Mary Barra wrapped up her weekend by going to the United Auto Workers Detroit headquarters intent on getting a new contract.
The early Monday morning job action fit the classic definition of a “Hollywood strike” a stunt pulled by the bureaucracy to create the illusion among rank-and-file workers that Unifor President Payne and Local 444 President Cassidy had “fought hard” to secure the miserable “pattern” agreement.
Some 8,200 Stellantis workers were called to strike minutes after the automaker and the Canadian autoworkers union Unifor reached an 11:59 p.m. bargaining…