developments we re following this hour, but i want to get to the breaking news right now out of texas. that s coming up. a very dangerous tornado outbreak unfolding right now. cnn s rosa flores is in deer park, texas for us. she just filed this report. reporter: wolf, the pictures out of deer park, texas, are very dramatic. take a look behind me. there is an overturned car. the glass is broken. the car is mangled. you can see the trees here are also mangled. but these are not the most dramatic pictures. i want to show you, because there is a car that is yards from where we are. i talked to the sister of the owner of that car. she tells me that that car was parked right over where i am actually standing, just near here. and you can see that some of the cleanup has already started. but that car was, according to that woman, parked in this parking lot that you see over here behind me. this woman said that she actually works for the district, and that they were inside when the
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it s a war of attrition. so nato has to step it up, germany has said it will. here in poland the effort, as i say, with as to get the tanks and helped break the log jam on getting tanks to ukraine. they ve also been at the forefront of getting ukrainian tank crews trained up on the new nato made battlefield tank, the leopard 2. nic robertson, thank you so much. still to come here, a first look at the critical evidence face ago south carolina jury as the murdaugh family murder trial is back in session today. we will take you there live. will you make something better? create something new? our dell technologies advisors can provide you with the tools and expertise you need to bring out the innovatoror in you.
one giant leap for mankind. germany has now confirmed that ukrainian troops are currently training on those advanced leopard 2 tanks at a polish military base. this just weeks after berlin and western allies agreed to provide those tanks to ukraine and others, delivery of them could come as early as next month. cnn s nic robertson went to warsaw to report on what the training looks like. reporter: after just a week of training, ukrainian tank crews show off their new skills on a polish gun range. the first time their leopard 2 training has been put on display. the crews pulled direct from ukraine s eastern battle front.