Five people were arrested in separate cases in Rajasthan's Hanumangarh district on Monday for allegedly circulating the video of the Udaipur tailor murder, and posting photos and videos with arms on social media, police said.
Udaipur murder: Prafulla Kumar is the new IG and Vikas Sharma is the new SP in Udaipur. Jodhpur Commissioner Navjyoti Gogoi has also been shifted and given the responsibility of Jaipur Police Academy, PTI reported.
Das, in his complaint, accused Laskar of making the comment on a post by a person named Abu Choudhury who demanded capital punishment for the culprits involved in the murder of Kanhaiya Lal, the tailor, police said.
Muslim Rashtriya Manch (MRM) on Wednesday demanded capital punishment for those who brutally killed a tailor in Rajasthan's Udaipur, calling them "terrorists and devils".