somost every part of society. it s affecting schools, our government, corporations. cihools,overnmenit s everywhere. it seems inescapable almost now. it seenescapabnow what are theyt to realize that they belong past? wheree past mainstream americans are. last weekend, during a pride event at the white house, for example, that was attended by children. there s a trench activist named rose montoya flaunting her bare on the south lawn of biden s white house and sparking u.s. backlash. 2024 republican presidential candidate tim scott. he said he is, quote, livid and in sense by this whitesidena house, not only for the kids present ate said h the event, bt the message it is sending to our children across t the country. meanwhile, nikki haley also weighed in, reminding people of biden s call to restore honor and decency to the white house before adding, yeah, it s time for joe to go. and governor romne to go ay, des slamming biden over the incident. take a look. i think whe
In a recent UCLA study, it was revealed that today s Gen Z teens are calling for a decrease in explicit content in TV and movies, with over half of them favoring narratives centered on friendships and platonic relationships.
The study of gender differences in youth political engagement in India found teen girls complain of not being encouraged to participate and engage in political discussions but were expected to vote at 18 years of age.
i mean, look., the facts on our way to be the fourth largest economy in the world, this belies of that rhetoric.ust everything you just said, look at the pandemic situationsd . but the migration numbers don t don t belie you weren t they were anomalous in the last few years and they ve already slowed down. there s been. three independent studies show and you should take a look at them, including a braninded d new one from uclat has talked about a fundamental reason you re asking mtal reaseu look at a ucla study. but the point but my point is, poe usedwe mak to interested in the facts, not the assertions. i mean, again, we were number on that list. you didn t talk about all those red states that have opposite policies that you embrace. something clearly is not working right in those states whiches that pposite emb mississippi, you ve got mi, thata, west virginiaan all had higher population loss. i m happy to engage and continue to talk down to per capita, but i m talking on a per