0 million have signed up since october the 1st, so one-third. boy march 31st, officials still hope to reach that seven million signup goal. however, certain lawmakers say they are very skeptical. the data does show that less healthy people are signing up. younger people are signing up less frequently than hoped. obamacare is a reality. unfortunately, it s a failed program that is taking a less-than-perfect health care system from the standpoint of cost and making it worse. meanwhile on a different note over the weekend, long-term unemployment benefits expired for more than a million americans and the president calls reinstating the aid, quote, an urgent economic priority. he spoke to jack reed and dean heller on the phone friday. they are co-sponsoring a bill to extend it for three months. republican opponents say they want it paid for with offsets. many of those same people who say i won t vote for it unless there s offsets won t offer any offsets unless they say someone that