Mark Mhley, Founder, Re4ormed
Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Kathryn Poynton, Director, NVBDC MVO Task Force
Nations leading veteran business certification organization
MVO Task Force achieves tactical and strategic objectives by partnering with organizations having equal goals to help Veteran Businesses.
Re4ormed was founded to help veteran businesses. We are excited for our members to see the value of NVBDC certification and access their corporate opportunities with this MVO Task Force partnership.” Mark Mhley, Founder, Re4ormedDETROIT, MICHIGAN, UNITED STATES, May 6, 2021 / NVBDC honors Military and Veteran Service Organizations that have partnered with us to demonstrate a systematic commitment to improving the opportunities for Service-Disabled and Veteran-Owned Businesses (SD/VOBs), their families and their communities. The primary role of NVBDC’s Military and Veteran Organization Task Force (MVO Task Force) is to focus on pursuing and achieving tactical