Nia Sharma shared a dance video with her BFF Reyhna Pandit which grabbed many eyeballs. While many loved the video, others trolled Nia Sharma for her choice of clothes. Trolls flood her post with disgusting comments, however, Nia knew just how to shut them.
Nia Sharma Sets Internet on Fire with Her Bikini Photos, See Pics
Television hottie Nia Sharma slays it every time she dons the bikini and monokini. And she did it again when she was in Goa last month. Lifestyle | | January 11, 2021, 6:22 pm
1/ 6 Television hottie Nia Sharma slays it every time she dons the bikini and monokini. And she did it again when she was in Goa last month. Scroll through to take a look at the sultry photos. (Image: Instagram)