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investigative reporting and his accuracy. thank you all. i appreciate it. it was a great conversation. thank you. i ll see you next time. when we come back, another stunning primary upset tonight. boston s first woman of color to serve on the city council, ayanna pressley. tonight, defeating a ten-term democratic congressman, michael capuano in the race for his own seat. celebrate good times come on (gasps) l oréal s magic root cover up. 3 seconds to flawless roots. 3, 2, 1. roots gone! magic root cover up by l oréal paris. look for the turquoise one. but allstate actually helps you drive safely. with drivewise.
(gasps) l oréal s magic root cover up. 3 seconds to flawless roots. 3, 2, 1. roots gone! magic root cover up by l oréal paris. look for the turquoise one. well, john mccain was an avid reader. he was a jokester, he was an incredibly hard worker. that s how former colleagues of the senate are describing him. each those that were decades older than the 81-year-old said that he moved so fast they couldn t keep you will. dana bash has more.
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