“I need a rock, this big,” Wayne Fogg announced, holding his hands about 18 inches apart. Armed with a sledge hammer, chisel, shovel, and other tools, he crouched next to a retaining wall he was helpi.
Having clambered up, around, through, under and over Rattlesnake Ledges in Glastonbury, Soapstone Mountain in Somers, Lamentation Mountain in Berlin, Chauncy Peak in Meriden, Coginchaug Cave and Bear .
Beavers have been reintroduced to Dorset for the first time in 400 years, a wildlife trust has revealed.
A pair of adult male and female beavers were introduced into an enclosure in the west of Dorset on Monday.
The pair will live in a large area of freshwater habitat not accessible to the public which can be continually monitored by wildlife experts.
Rivers conservation officer Steve Oliver said welcoming beavers back to the county was fantastic .
He said besides being magnificent creatures in their own right they were extra special because their engineering activities have the potential to bring even more life to a landscape and enable other species to flourish .