that i cannot disagree with more. i and men and women of the fbi every day take our personal beliefs and set those aside in vigorous pursuit of the truth wherever it lies and whatever it is. laura: the men and women in the fbi who run high profile investigations do they carry on a running commentary via text message about the tujt of their investigation and what they hope happens to the key players therein? i don t think so. and i hope not. but that is precisely what strzok did. now there, is no doubt, of course, as we repeated over and over again. fbi agents are entitled to their own political opinions and have them but it s the blatant biases revealed in the texts and the specificity therein are troubling and they remain so. he claims to take great offense and he was sitting up very straight and looking down his
we ve all been promising, democrat, republican, we ve been promisesing that to the american people. soy think a lot of good things will happen there. we ll talk about infrastructure, we ll talk about fixing up our military. we re going to make it so good and so strong. i think there s never been a time where we needed it so much. we re going to be doing a great job. hopefully it will start being bipartisan because everybody really wants the same thing. we want greatness for this country that we love. so i think we re going to have some very good relationships. right, chuck? i see chuck. hello, chuck. and i really think that will happen. so again, enjoy these incredible musicians, they are really something special. i hope we re going to do this many, many times as a ujt. melania thank you very much. our vice president, did we make the right decision with pejs? [ applause ]
vat i vating. as far as the fuel is concerned, we wheer exact figure and even veg an tujt this is about eight hours of flight. we do not have any more after that. i know they are looking for some more data, but that s it. the aircraft will just run out of fuel, all right? it is revealed that there s