Our renowned faculty examine the myriad ways in which marketing transforms and creates relationships among organizations, individuals and societies so that all benefit.
Our group is composed of leading scholars and practitioners who are at the forefront of knowledge generation in the management of innovation and the creation and growth of transformative ventures. Our faculty publish in the most demanding academic journals and have also started companies, invested in startups, and consulted with established and new organizations.
Viiveck Verma. - For innovation to emerge and manifest, gathering and filtering ideas is a necessity. It is most certainly the way to go for the best value to be created and the best narratives to be conveyed, , Business Ideas, business
There was an exciting moment four years ago when it seemed like Facebook was doing something truly jaw-dropping. The company set up a new hardware division called Building 8, staffed it with scientists and engineers overseen by an executive from DARPA, and announced it was building technology to help you type with your brain and "hear" with your skin.
In a recent article, CNN refers to tech giant Facebook as a "$770 billion clone factory," that copies the features and ideas of other companies. CNN describes Facebook as exercising its stranglehold on social media in multiple ways, writing: "In addition to copycatting, when Facebook couldn't beat 'em, it bought 'em."