Suceava-based wrought iron producer Trutzi, controlled by entrepreneur Ciprian Nutu, in 2022 generated turnover worth RON425.4 million (EUR86.2 million), up around 21% from 2021, in line with ZF calculations based on Finance Ministry data.
of 2,210 meters by an arrow shot that hit his left shoulder and we also know that he died quite quickly at that place. reporter: but they are now learning more about how he lived using advanced technology to study dna extracted from his pelvis. utzi was previously thought to have descended from people who lived in the caspian step stretching from southeastern europe into kazakhstan, but genome sequencing data places his ancestral origins elsewhere, in modern day turkey. he is really just a hunter, gatherer ancestry. reporter: these developments shatter previous findings about the iceman, but it s an expected turn in the world of science. you get newer charts, new information, then you adapt the reconstruction. reporter: the reconstruction has been at the south museum of archeology since 1998. it s expected to soon be
reporter: utzi was a man who lived more than 5,000 years ago. until now he was thought to be light-skinned and hairy, but new research finds he was more likely dark-skinned and balding. we found out that the skin color is much darker than we thought. he s had a very dark skin color, even darker than today s south europeans like people from sicily, sardinia, but not as dark as people from subsaharan africa and on the other hand, we found out that he was most likely bald. so he had a genetic predisposition to lose his hair. reporter: utzi is the world s oldest human corpse to be discovered intact. a hiking couple found him in 1991 on a mountain range along the austrian/italian border. scientists have long known how he died. he eventually was killed on the mountainside at the height
Sâmbătă, 21 August 2021 - In scurt timp, mai exact pe 6 septembrie, va debuta editia a XVI-a a Campionatului Judetean de minifotbal pentru old-boys Trutzi. Competitia se adreseaza practicantilor de minifotbal nelegitimati, cu varsta minima de 35 de ani, care sunt indragostiti de miscare in aer liber si dornici sa socializeze.
Vineri, 20 August 2021 - Nu mai putin de 14 echipe au confirmat deja participarea la cea de-a IX-a editie a Ligii Companiilor Suceava, care se va derula in intervalul septembrie-noiembrie.