well, now they are fighting back. this is a clip that aired at the top of stephen colbert s show on cbs and jimmy fallon s show. here it is. hey, low life. hey, lost soul. what are you up to? be a man. i ll try. what are you up to? i m busy having no talent. did you see trump s rally? he said we re all no talent, low life lost souls. that doesn t sound right. that s conan. hold on, i ll get him. oh, hey, guys. what s up? president president who? trump temperature donald trump. the real estate guy who sells steaks. he s president? yeah. wow. how s he doing? not so good. oh. well, guys, give him time, okay? and remember, please be civil.
spoke bass the most gentle. ed: she said god spoke to her and said it s time to hug some police officers. that s pretty cool. steve: we start with an update and bulletin. abby: a fox news alert. a man yelling about president trump holding an american flag opening fire overnight inside the lobby of trump temperature real doralb near miami. good morning steve, abby, and ed, police responding to the call before 2:00 in the morning at the trump doral golf resort. the man inside the lobby shooting. he was yelling and spewing some information about president trump and that s what we know so far. he had an american flag that he did drape over the counter. that all was, you know, part of the investigation. we re going to take it from there and see what his real motives are. todd: that still unidentified suspect was shot and wounded by police. right now, still unclear what he was actually saying about president trump.