This true crime story tells the gripping story of Shatavia Walls and the gang war in the Brooklyn Lous Pink Housing Projects . This true crime story tells the gripping story of Shatavia Walls and the gang war in the Brooklyn Lous Pink Housing Projects . | True Crime | Datzhott
Two weeks had passed since Tiffany Foster went missing from Newnan, Georgia- and the heartache was still so fresh. Two weeks had passed since Tiffany Foster went missing from Newnan, Georgia- and the heartache was still so fresh. | Headlines | Datzhott
The night Kennedy Walton vanished, fear and worry struck the heart of her aunt, Marco Dean. With no answer to her desperate . The night Kennedy Walton vanished, fear and worry struck the heart of her aunt, Marco Dean. With no answer to her desperate . | True Crime | Datzhott
In this episode of the No Tears for Black Girls podcast, we discuss the life and crimes of Roberta Elder, a notorious serial killer . In this episode of the No Tears for Black Girls podcast, we discuss the life and crimes of Roberta Elder, a notorious serial killer . | True Crime | Datzhott