September 22 is observed in Estonia as Resistance Day, marking the anniversary of Estonia's attempt to reestablish its independence and resist reoccupation by Soviet forces in 1944 following three years of Nazi occupation. Several events are taking place in Tallinn throughout the day to commemorate the 78th anniversary of the event.
Thirty years after Estonia restored its independence after the Soviet occupation, the voices that led its pivotal Singing Revolution will finally reach American ears – through a musical about the events that took place in Estonia from 1988 to 1991, just before the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Foreign minister Eva-Maria Liimets (Center) hosted several of her predecessors at a lunch Wednesday, marking the 102nd anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Tartu, the primary document which established an independent Estonian state.
Trivimi Velliste
Trivimi Velliste 2013. aasta lipu päeval Pärnus. Foto: Urmas Saard / Külauudised
Elusolendid vajavad üksteise tuge – kalad ja linnud elavad parves. Nii ka inimene, kes on tuhandete aastate jooksul arenenud meie-olendiks. Meie pere, meie küla, meie kihelkond, meie ma
Hoone Jõgeva kesklinnas, milles paiknevad Jõgevamaa Puuetega Inimeste Koja uued ruumid. Foto: Riina Mägi / Jõgeva vallavalitus
Jõgevamaa Puuetega Inimeste Koda on selle huvigrupi igapäevasesse toimetulekusse ja heaolusse pühendanud kakskümmend üks aastat. Hiljuti oli rõõmsaks sündmuseks uute ruum