BJP veteran Santosh Gangwar has been dropped from the party’s ticket in Bareilly, causing resentment among the Kurmi community. This decision, in favor of a former state minister who lost the Assembly polls, has thrown the party’s re-election prospects into uncertainty. PM Modi’s roadshow and public meeting have made the contest between the BJP and […]
A 20-year-old NEET aspirant has been missing for over a week in the coaching capital Kota, spotlighting the exacting culture of intensive exam coaching and the heavy burden placed on students in this Rajasthan city.
NL Corresspondent TRIVANTHRIPURAM, Jan 10: Champion left-arm medium fast bowler Sarla Devi’s lethal spell and good show with the willow by J&K’s batting mainstay Chitra Singh Jamwal and consistent Anju Tomar went in vain as formidable Uttar Pradesh registered a 4-wicket victory over Jammu and Kashmir in the ongoing Senior Women’s One-Day Trophy at Green