released this video yesterday in their honor. we just want to offer our condolences and our prayers to people of the tree of life, our hearts break, our prayers go out to the people. bret: good to see. that is it for this special report. fair, balanced, and still unafraid. here is martha in new york. martha: thank you, bret. we are one week out from the midterm elections, and the heat is clearly on. at the president all in, revving up debate, saying he believes they can change it the ability to gain u.s. citizenship if you are born on u.s. american soil. where the only country in the world where person comes in, has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the united states for 85 years, with all of those benefits. it is ridiculous. and it has to end. how we talked without counsel? yeah. it s in the process, it ll happen. with an executive order. martha: so canada is the
but in terms of the ability to approach this as a president, what tools does he have in his toolbox, potentially? the best tool is to go to congress on follow the lead, in this case, lindsey graham, and to seek legislation. it is a good thing for this to be reviewed by the court. the supreme court ruled many years ago that a chinese family was entitled to citizenship of their child who was born on u.s. soil, but that family was here as a legal residence. many people who adopt a more narrow view of this amendment believe that citizens would fit that narrow interpretation pair this up in court still has work to do, and it has been about 150 years for them to do it. martha: jonathan turley, always enlightening, thank you very much, go to talk to you tonight. as we said, the heat is still on, about a week to go, so all of these issues are hot, hot, hot right now. there is no shortage of vitriol
the president of the united states of america now encourages division, hatred, and exploiting them for purely electoral means. martha: that was a discussion this morning, nods all around the table, everybody was nodding. absolutely an agreement. martha, i ve been saying for some time now that journalists in this country consider mr. trump s election to be national emergency. i kind of expected i might get some pushback on that, and it is interesting to hear one of the dukes martha: picked up your line. pronouncing it as if it is a certified fact. if you look at what is going around this country, outside of the new york city, where the opinions seem not to differ very much among journalists, you don t see this attitude, they don t feel like they are in emergency. they have may have trials and stipulations, policy they don t like, but unemployment at these levels, the stock market still way higher than it was
i think there is great hope for the future, but there is frustration between now and then. martha: general stanley mcchrystal, great to have you with us tonight, sir. congratulations on the book, it was great. thank you very much. thank you, martha appeared to be when you bet. still, president trump revising his attacks on the media. president trump: when i say enemy of the people, i m talking what the fake news and it is fake. martha: brian kilmeade says he is not the first president to take issue in this way with the press, and he is here with a history lesson coming up next. thanks to tena intimates overnight
there s going to be a next week. you have to deal with the people who are your opposition. in many ways, it is that balance. the federalist papers, the united states is designed for that. we really need leaders who are mature enough to see a middle road. martha: you talk about the comparison, you make an analogy to plutarch s live and margaret thatcher. give us a thumbnail sketch of what we can expect in your book with regards to that comparison. sure come in the new book leaders, myth and reality, we look at 13 leaders, margaret thatcher, what we are really doing is exploring why they were back would emerge as leaders. what we find is they are not two-dimensional caricatures, they are really very rich, flawed people, and that is what