To celebrate St Brigid s Day, Dr Billy Shorthall, research fellow at the Cuala Press project, shows us how St Brigid was celebrated in the visual art of Cuala Industries, a female run arts and crafts cooperative in the early 20th century.
A Gaelicised Virgin Mary doing a bit of ironing beside a red-headed baby Jesus and a bedraggled Father Time on Dublin’s quays are among some of the striking images featured in Christmas and New Year greeting cards produced in the early 20th century by Cuala Press.
This symposium celebrates the recent publication of the book, Sarah Cecilia Harrison: Artist, Social Campaigner and City Councillor, edited by Margarita Cappock.
Eventbrite - DCC Libraries and Archives and TRIARC, TCD presents Sarah Cecilia Harrison: Artist, Social Campaigner and City Councillor - Saturday, 26 February 2022 at Trinity Long Room Hub, Dublin 2, Dublin. Find event and ticket information.