Festival Tresk v organizaciji Radia Študent že dvanajstič predstavlja neuveljavljene glasbenike, povezuje neodvisne slovenske glasbene založbe in nagrajuje različne oblikovalske dosežke, ki spremljajo izdajanje glasbe in njeno predstavljanje v živo. Festival že drugo leto zapored vodita Nik Drozg in Jaša Bužinel. Drozg, ki je spregovoril o vsebini in pomenu festivala, je tudi član podtalne rokerske zasedbe Lynch, predavatelj, predvsem pa koncertni producent v CUK Kino Šiška in klubu Channel Zero.
clubs? no, female comics are tresk. actually if you want to get into it, there was an interesting article where they pointed out like women don t need to be funny. men do. it is an at trough beaut attribute that is admired by women about guys. guys don t care about that. they leak boobies, right? as a young young girls think back. were there a lot of funny little girls in your class? it is not a skill that you feel like you need to hone. as a boy if you are not good at sports, you realize pretty quickly i better be funny. i will get attention. we just have a head start on women as dudes. i have had to be funny to come pen say the for my other [bleep] failings for years. women don t have to do it. the extremely foul language you cast out?