After weeks of delay and the release of hundreds of pages of internal documents, the long-delayed criminal case against suspended Mendocino County Auditor Chamise Cubbison is now scheduled to begin on July 25.
The opening comes after three years of renovation of the former West Marine headquarters, which have been vacant since the boating chain's relocation to Florida in 2021.
El Dorado County employees arrived at work Monday morning to an unpleasant surprise; the Building B arboretum in the atrium at the EDC Government Center — often the site of
For the past two weeks, we’ve been discussing a series of events where Board Chair Maureen Mulheren attempted to justify violations of the Brown Act, California’s Open Meeting Law.I’ll provide the punch-line now: I believe the problem has been solved.I’m not going to re-plow recent ground other than to point out that Mulheren argued that […]
For the past two weeks, we’ve been discussing a series of events where Board Chair Maureen Mulheren attempted to justify violations of the Brown Act, California’s Open Meeting Law.I’ll provide the punch-line now: I believe the problem has been solved.I’m not going to re-plow recent ground other than to point out that Mulheren argued that […]