In the late 1940s and early 50s, a comedian named Fred Allen had a popular radio show. Its title changed over the years — “Hour of Smiles,” “ Town Hall
I read Andy Rieger’s column in last Sunday’s Transcript with interest. Andy writes about the Norman of yesteryear — and I can relate. I like to write about Norman here
Opinions are like belly buttons— everyone has one. For the next few paragraphs, I’m going impose some of my thoughts and opinions on you. Not interested? Turn to the Sports
The British comedy troupe “Monty Python” was famous for abruptly jumping from one routine to another, with the comment: “And now for something completely different.” I’m going to treat two
Trivia question: what is the most popular recording of all time? Answer: according to Guinness, it’s “White Christmas,” written by Irving Berlin, and introduced in the 1942 movie “Holiday Inn.”