be one of the main things he focuses ongoing into the election. it s important to remember also this is not necessarily something he wants to draw attention to. because despite diverting billions of dollars from the pentagon, military programs, training afghan security sfoerss, providing military clinics to military families, expand missile defense in alaska, things like that. he has not built a singular new linear mile of boarder wall since he took office. that is remarkable. there s been a lot of construction done on certain portions of the fence. the wall that, you know, previous presidents have had already erected. but he has not gotten this signature promise done. and now the record number of vacancies at d.h.s. because so many top officials are not willing to carry out some of his more cruel policies, frankly, being spearheaded by stephen miller, an advisor to him, who has now, according to recent emails, been shown to have sympathies and ties directly to