After seven years as President of NIBR and a member of the ECN, Dr. Bradner will pursue a next chapter of scientific contribution and leadership outside of NovartisBuilding on NIBR foundation, Dr. Marshall
Balkan Rusiji služi kao plodno tlo za iritiranje Zapada, pregovaranje i cjenkanje sa Briselom i Washingtonom, kao i testiranje informacionih operacija. U ovome smislu, BiH je posebno interesantna za Moskvu jer je veoma nestabilna i proces demokratizacije je veoma usporen. . - PROFESORICA IVANA STRADNER ZA SB : Dodikova i Čovićeva retorika je muzika koja Moskvi prija i rado je koristi za svoje ciljeve, a to veoma šteti Balkanu | Slobodna Bosna
radner had a great time. i want to make sure anybody passing by my grave gets a good laugh. a good deep mortal laugh, even if i don t hear it. it s a time of enormous any tool for human explosion will bring out the best and worst of us and television has been there. they don t pay me enough to deal with animals like this. people are no longer embarrassed to admit they watch television. people used to say i was there, now people say they watch it on television.
tonight we re learning more about miss radner whose career was flourishing. her partner and baby were traveling with her. in a statement new york s metropolitan opera called her a gifted artist who touched the lives of many. her friend joins me tonight. i m so sorry for your loss. what can you tell us about maria? what was she like she was truly one of the most beautiful joyful incredible souls that i ve ever had the honor of knowing. she was incredible. she had this beautiful voice that everybody knows about but then she had this incredible personality and so loving and kind and had an amazing sense of
from what i understand to get a job and now there is a lawsuit because you felt like you were discriminated against. tell the folks who are watching at home your story. i was the finalist for an affluent community as a township manager. i was called up and told that i wasn t being considered for a second interview because of some serious concerns about my ongoing military obligations by some of the commissioners. this happened in radner, pennsylvania. how many people applied? 70 people applied. i was one of the eight finalists. why do you feel like you were discriminated against? how do you know that was the reason? did they say we re not hiring you because you re going to spend one weekend a month as a reservist, two weeks every summer as a reservist? i will tell you i ve been involved in interviews, i ve given interviews before. it was the interview