Madurai (TN), Jan 24 (PTI) Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Wednesday said caste and religious differences were created later to destroy Tamils' unity and urged them to conduct cultural festivals like the traditional bull-taming sport jallikattu unitedly as Tamils.
November is a month of transition, with autumn giving way to the early hints of winter in many parts of the world. It s a time when people come together to celebrate various cultural, religious, and traditional festivals.
The city of Longmont will be honoring the heritage and culture of Nepal through its second annual Nepali Jatra event. Nepali Jatra will take place at 1 p.m. Sunday, July 30 at the Longmont Museum, 400 Quail Road.
/CNW/ - Must-See Spectacle: The Giant Rubber Duck Returns with a Friend Summer in Hong Kong will see a diverse range of events come to the city, and the season.
The iconic Victoria Harbour turns up the heat this summer as it hosts an array of incredible things to eat, see, do, and capture in photos right by the .