He also founded craigslist, the online Bulletin Board where i sell my discarded swimwear. Last night, tucker revealed the study was in fact no study at all. Can we get some numbers on that, and why you . No, actually, we cant. In the words of the study, pinning down precise proportions of censorship is impossible because twitter doesnt release sufficient data. Are you following the reasoning here . Their conclusion, twitter is not biased and we can be certain its not biased because twitter refuses to release the data on who it bands. Greg in other words, a fake study for a guy who claims he doesnt like fake news. It was designed for the media so they wouldnt have to do their jobs and investigate the actual claims, but the research is about as a researchy as turning on the lights to your living room to assess the existence of whales. Yep, no whales there. Really, having a Big Tech Lib Fund A Study On Whether big tech is biased, thats like me finding a study on how great i am, or a study