Dear Northwestern Community Members, We love putting on Dillo Day. For the past 50 years, we at Mayfest Productions have produced the nation’s largest student-run music festival, an event that has garnered recognition from industry professionals and other universities. It’s a privilege to be able to organize an event the NU community can be.
Fifty years to the day after its original dedication, about 100 community members gathered on the ground floor of Norris University Center to celebrate the building’s golden birthday. Administrators and Norris staff kicked off the Thursday afternoon event with a series of remarks on the building’s history, followed by a rendition of “Happy Birthday” from.
The Associated Student Government introduced two pieces of legislation Wednesday: one granting department status to two Council for Race and Ethnic Studies programs and the other on reforming Peer-Guided Study Group registration times. The first piece of legislation called on the University to grant department status to the Latinx Studies and Asian American Studies programs..
Founded in 1973 to improve communication between University administration and the staff, NUSAC has a long history at Northwestern. At no time in its history has NUSAC’s relationship with Northwestern’s president been stronger, Joan Trimuel Williams said.