China spent 805 million USD on importing vegetables and fruits from Vietnam in the first four months of 2023, up 29% year-on-year, according to the Vietnam Fruit and Vegetables Association (Vinafruit).
Supreme Court Hears Argument on Traceability Requirement in Circuit-Split Slack v. Pirani - Key Points - - Before the end of June, the U.S. Supreme Court is.
May 28, 2021 01:08 IST
By and large, the Information Technology Rules, 2021 go against landmark judicial precedents upholding key rights
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By and large, the Information Technology Rules, 2021 go against landmark judicial precedents upholding key rights
The life of Indian Law rather than being shaped along mathematical exactitudes finds itself at the receiving end of an experiential tussle. This tussle has aimed at every stage to bargain for a Fundamental Right in return for some negotiation, sometimes with the desire of the coloniser and at others with the dominant ideology at the Centre.
There are ambiguities
The subject of concern now is the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021, which threaten to deprive social media platforms of their safe harbour immunity in the event of non-compliance with the said rules. While there are positive aspects about the said guidelines, there are, equally, glaring