Visitar o Beto Carrero World é um sonho para milhares de famílias, e registrar esse passeio inesquecível em um dos pontos fotográficos mais emblemáticos do parque, faz parte do roteiro!
O pequeno, que estava se divertindo com sua família, acabou se desequilibrando no momento desse click lúdico no Gorila e caiu. Cientes do ocorrido, no mesmo momento, ele foi assistido pelo time de profissionais do Beto Carrero World! A equipe de Bombeiros o conduziu com a Ambulância do Parque para o Pronto Atendimento mais próximo, ficando sob os cuidados médicos.
Houve uma evolução do caso, e Enzo foi transferido para o Hospital Pequeno Anjo na cidade de Itajaí, onde segue em observação. Desde o início, o parque manteve contato e segue dando assistência à família que com tanto carinho, se programou para essa viagem. Esperamos vê-lo em breve se encantando em nosso mundo de fantasia e diversão. Força.
the mountaintop. an all-star cast. a controversial play. god don t like to be laughed at. how a 30-year-old playwright is challenging the way we remember the last day of dr. martin luther king jr. s life. plastic wars. why is this man wearing 500 plastic bags and hanging off the side of a boat? and why is the plastic industry out to get him? hunting down sharks. they re the most feared predators in the ocean. but we reveal how sharks have more to fear from us. revealing investigations. fascinating characters. stories with impact. this is cnn presents with your hosts tonight, soledad o brien and sanjay gupta. we begin this evening with a cnn presents special investigation. it s a story that sounds all too familiar. catholic priests accused of abusing children. church leaders accused of covering it up. but this familiar story has a disturbing new chapter. hundreds of these priests live unmonitored in unsuspecting communities. as we learned in some cases, t
god don t like to be laughed at. how a 30-year-old playwright is challenging the way we remember the last day of dr. martin luther king jr. s life. plastic wars. why is this man wearing 500 plastic bags and hanging off the side of a boat? and why is the plastic industry out to get him? hunting down sharks. they re the most feared predators in the ocean. but we reveal how sharks have more to fear from us. revealing investigations. fascinating characters. stories with impact. this is cnn presents with your hosts tonight, soledad o brien and sanjay gupta. we begin this evening with a cnn presents special investigation. it s a story that sounds all too familiar. catholic priests accused of abusing children. church leaders accused of covering it up. but this familiar story has a disturbing new chapter. hundreds of these priests live unmonitored in unsuspecting communities. as we learned in some cases, they live next to schools and they live next to parks. gary
is challenging the way we remember dr. martin luther king, jr. s life. and why is the plastic injury out to get him? hunting down sharks. they re the most feared predators in the ocean but we reveal how they have more fear from us. revealing investigations, fascinating characters, stories with impact. this is cnn present ous with your hosts tonight soledad o brien and sanjay gupta. we begin with a special investigation. it s a story that sounds all too familiar. catholic priests accused of abusing children and church leaders who cover it up. hundreds of these priests live unmonitored in unsuspecting communities. in some cases they live next to schools and they live next to parks. predators in plain sight. reporter: here we are on a black where a molester priest lives. do you think these neighbors know about it? i m certain they do not. reporter: ray boucher is a los angeles attorney who works with victims of sexual abuse. unfortunately in california an
remember the last day of dr. martin luther king jr. s life. plastic wars. why is this man wearing 3500 plastic bags and hanging off the side of a boat and why is the industry out to get him. hunting down sharks. they re the most feared predators in the ocean but we reveal how they have more fear from us. revealing investigations, fascinating characters, stories with impact. this is cnn presents with your hosts tonight soledad o brien and sanjay gupta. we begin this evening with a cnn presents special investigation. it s a story that sounds all too familiar. catholic priests accused of abusing children and church leaders accused of covering it up. but this familiar story has a disturbing new chapter. hundreds of these priests live unmonitored in unsuspecting communities. in some cases they live next to schools and they live next to parks. gary tuchman tracks down some of the most notorious offenders, predators in plain sight. reporter: here we are on a bloc