night? well, we have seen a lot of things in the national football league. we ve had the holly roller, immaculate reception, the tuck rule but never seen anything like this. in this political season hard to get the people of wisconsin to agree on anything. you can take a poll today, 100%. they all feel that the packers were robbed. this was an outrage. it was really mishandled from the moment it happened. one official signaling as we just saw and picture now indicates one saying touchdown the other saying time out. not sure. and you see the seattle times yesterday, stole one. their feeling stolen from in wisconsin. martha: maybe pull the picture back up clearly. one ref arms crossed over his head. one in the touchdown position. then it went on and on and on. i mean, you know, when they have the replay you would think it would be a fairly expedient process if there is a conflict but this one went on for something like
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